Welcome from the Whisperers

Welcome from the whisperers... The artists of the Whisper Collaboration invite you to share our journey. Twelve artists, each begining with a theme, will carry out a visual game of "Chinese Whispers". Our book pages will travel between us, each collaborator adding their own interpretation of the theme. The trick will be that only the originating artist will know what the theme is! It's up to the rest of us to decipher that theme only from the work of the previous artist and the set of 'page clues' that will grow as the collaboration progresses! Here on our blog, we will share images of the clues, and perhaps some other tantalising snippets of information...all adding to the intrigue. Join us, and see if you can guess each artists theme as the books progress!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Its cold here !!!

This is what I woke up to this morning!!! Note the letterbox!


Tamara said...

Can't wrap my head around that kind of cold Peta.

Peta said...

It is a bit of a shock when you leave 34 degree heat and arrive to minus degrees.......still it is amazing to see the different scenery...also it's warm inside everywhere so it's only getting to the car and then to wherever you are going.
Hope you're enjoying working on the book.

HRS said...

oops... i thought i commented on this pic...but managed to put it with the other one. I know you will enjoy the shopping..and galleries over there....not to mention the family visiting!! re the cold...they say there is no such thing as bad weather..just the wrong clothes.